Aussie icon BananaBoat reached out to Acast to explore new ways of reaching Australian audiences, to remind them of the importance of using sunscreen during the harsh summer months. As a trusted source for high-quality audio broadcasting, Acast offered a unique opportunity for BananaBoat to reach a general audience on a personal level and promote the use of their products in a compelling and memorable way.
Creative Fix Audio, trusted creative producing partners of Acast, leveraged the next-gen advertising technology of the A Million Ads platform to deliver a sophisticated, evolving suite of dynamic audio advertisements to the listener.
Utilising data-driven technology, these ads were assembled and delivered in real-time, taking in to account environmental factors such as the current time of day, the listener’s location, and importantly, the UV index forecast. Depending on the combination of these factors, Acast and BananaBoat could deliver bespoke messaging to their audience, ensuring a relevant and personalised listening experience.
This required a lot of forethought and planning to account for every possible scenario, but the surprising utility and seamless delivery of these adverts into the lives of audiences ultimately proved an engaging and memorable success.